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A glimpse at a map of Lebanon is enough to understand that the high mountain range along entire Lebanon's length guarantees that it will be one of the most picturesque countries in the eastern Mediterranean. Clean air, great sea views, great wine in large cellars, renowned restaurants in the towns of Bruman or Beit Mary, seasonal skiing and rich culture are some of the few highlights that make Lebanon so attractive place to be not only for international tourists but for the locals as well. There is no place for boredom or sadness in Lebanon although the troublesome politics may cast a shadow on one's mood. If you get tired of sports, you can go sightseeing. Over 9,000 years two dozen civilizations have contributed with a good deal of history which eventualy materialized in an alphabet that the Phoenicians exported from the Lebanese ports of Tyr and Sidon to the world. The Chronicles among other things describe the endless changing of ruling empires. All of them longed for one thing - cedar wood. Nowadays it has become so scarce that a trip to a cedar grove is literally considered a sacred pilgrimage. However this scarcity does not take away from the beauty of the coastal area especially when it is adorned with beautiful green canyons and magical caves of Jaita. By the way did you know they were nominated to become one of the modern seven wonders of the world? On this note we ought to mention the biggest local highlight which are undoubtedly the megaliths and temples of Baalbeck!
Western travelers might be surprised to hear about the major presence of Christian community in Lebanon that represents almost 50% of the population. It is most evident from the number of churches and chapels who are working hard to bring European cultural values to the Orient in many forms.